I tried making this a place for book reviews, but I couldn't sustain it. I have ups and downs that are fairly predictable in their effects if not their duration or frequency. When I'm up I start things, I have more energy, but when I'm down I barely get anything done. I've been able, through my most recent down to sustain a few things. I'm going to try to add this to things I can sustain, at a minimum level, in the long run, and that means some format changes.
Here are some things I'd like to work in:
- Updates on what is going on in my life. This will probably mostly be mental health updates.
- Escritos practicando en español - Puedo leer bien, pero mis habilidades de escribir y hablar no son buenos. ¡Necesito practiar más! (y sientase libre de corregirme si he cometido un error)
- Reading updates (and reviews) - reading is still my biggest hobby and the thing that I love
- Gaming updates - I play tabletop roleplaying games, boardgames, and videogames
- Writing updates (maybe even some practice writing)
In other words, I need to start doing this for me, so that I can go back and plug my memory holes when I need to.
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